Ella's Favourite Morning Classes

By Ella Mills

With two small children and a business, life is busy and getting up an hour or so before the girls has become the cornerstone of my health in many ways.

The first thing I do is a guided breathwork or meditation. It helps ground me, create a positive mindset and allows me to tune inwards for a moment, before the chaos of the day starts. Nothing has a greater impact on my mental health.

I then do a 10-15 minute yoga stretch, drink my coffee quietly and get ready. I find prioritising healthy habits first thing creates a positive ripple effect throughout the day.

It is a daily-ish practice though. I like this ‘ish’ because obviously it doesn’t happen 365 days a year, but it makes the world of difference when I do make the time for myself.

These are my go-to classes that never fail to get my day off to a fantastic start.

Slow Down Breathwork
15 mins

Slow Down Breathwork

with James Dowler

Feeling stressed? This short breathwork will help you take some time to slow down. Using box breathing - designed to balance the nervous system and still the mind.

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Appreciation Meditation
10 mins

Appreciation Meditation

with Jess Baccanello

A meditation focussed on appreciating life, breath, the body and self and moving from lack to abundance.

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Morning Intention Setting
10 mins

Morning Intention Setting

with James Dowler

Use your breath to tune in, connect and bring yourself into a place of alignment at the start of the day. This practice will end with an intention setting practice for the day ahead.

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Wake Up & Flow
15 mins

Wake Up & Flow

with Lisa Hood

Start your day with a smile and a stretch. Loosen up and get those positive vibes flowing around your body by connecting your breath with a series of flowing movements.

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10-Minute Morning Wiggle
10 mins

10-Minute Morning Wiggle

with Natasha Wood

No need to rush. Stretch, twist and gently wake up your body. Clear your head and set your intentions for the day as your body slowly comes to life and the energy starts flowing.

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Gentle Morning Flow
15 mins

Gentle Morning Flow

with Cordelia Simpson

Tune in to the feelings and sensations of your body this morning and just see what you need. Stretch out your back, wake up your body and gently get your energy moving.

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15-Minute Nourishing Flow
15 mins

15-Minute Nourishing Flow

with Lisa Hood

Create an all-over positive and peaceful glow with a series of slow, stretchy, mindful moves. Ease your neck, release your back and legs, and wiggle your hips to create some good energy to take into the rest of your day.

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