Meditations For Stress

Meditation, breathwork and mindfulness practices are brilliant tools for reducing stress, lowering your cortisol levels, and switching your body into a parasympathetic (rest and digest) state.

Why do meditation, breathwork and mindfulness help with stress?

They help you pay attention to the present, creating a deeper sense of awareness and stillness in your mind, which can be brilliant for reducing stress and anxiety.

So many of us find our minds racing too much of the time. We jump from one worry to the next, sometimes catastrophising the future and rarely stopping or pausing. Learning to pause and keep your mind in the present doesn’t mean that you won’t have any thoughts and your mind won’t drift off. That happens to all of us. Instead, it’s about learning to notice when the mind does wander, when thoughts do pop into your head, acknowledge them without mulling them over, then let them go and deliberately bring yourself back to the moment. 

You can bring yourself back by noticing your breath, the slow inhales and exhales, or by tuning into the weight of your body; how it feels against what you’re resting on, notice your senses, the words of the guided practice and what you can feel in that very moment.

You may well find that this gets easier over time, those little pauses and the ability to observe your thoughts without jumping down a rabbit hole of stress becomes more natural, and as a result, stress may become easier to manage. 

Turning on a guided class is one of the easiest ways to get the benefits. Below are seven quick classes to support your mental well-being and lower your stress levels. Practice really does help here, so if there is a class that resonates, you might find it becomes more impactful the more you do it.

De-Stress Breathwork
15 mins

De-Stress Breathwork

with James Dowler

This practice uses the technique of slowing the exhale right down. In doing so, the slowing down branch of the nervous system is activated and a feeling of relaxation and calm sweeps through the body.

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10 Minutes To Release Stress
10 mins

10 Minutes To Release Stress

with Cordelia Simpson

A soothing breathwork practice with Cordelia Simpson to help you unwind and create a sense of calm positivity.

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Slow Down Breathwork
15 mins

Slow Down Breathwork

with James Dowler

Feeling stressed? This short breathwork will help you take some time to slow down. Using box breathing - designed to balance the nervous system and still the mind.

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10 Minutes To Release Anxiety
10 mins

10 Minutes To Release Anxiety

with James Dowler

This short practice with James Dowler helps you to calm anxiety. Using the breath to downregulate the nervous system and create a deep sense of relaxation in both the body and mind.

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De-Stress Anywhere, Anytime 
5 mins

De-Stress Anywhere, Anytime 

with Gelong Thubten

An on-the-go mindfulness practice with Gelong Thubten, which can done anywhere, anytime - in the park, at your desk, walking around, cleaning your teeth. This practice supports you in finding micro moments of mindfulness throughout the day to de-stress whenever you feel anxious.

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10 Minutes To De-Stress After Work
10 mins

10 Minutes To De-Stress After Work

with Jess Baccanello

Unwind, de-stress and disconnect from the busyness of your day with this soothing meditation designed to help you forget about what’s come before so that you can relax into the evening ahead.

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